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QualityLogic Releases PPML3.0 Test Suite

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QualityLogic ( is now shipping an updated version of its PPML Comprehensive Functional Test Suite (CFTS), version 3.0. PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language) is a variable data markup language developed by PODi, an industry initiative that promotes interoperability standards and has hundreds of member companies. PPML provides an efficient means to send complex variable print jobs with high graphical content to digital print workflows. The QualityLogic CFTS now supports PPML3.0, including in-RIP transparency flattening which dramatically increases digital print speeds.

QualityLogic’s PPML CFTS has been expanded to include over 1,100 test cases. It complements and expands on the PODi’s certification test suite by offering greater coverage and in-depth penetration of PPML commands. The PPML CFTS includes PPML3.0 page mark up tests, GA2.0 conformance-level tests, and error condition tests.

“This new release of the PPML Comprehensive Functional Test Suite continues our support of the variable data print production industry,” said Dave Jollota, QualityLogic president and CEO. “PPML CFTS 3.0 is a significant extension of the PODi test suite – its transparency effects add realism and dimension to marketing materials without sacrificing productivity. QualityLogic’s PPML CFTS provides in-depth testing of these new features.”