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Web Services Testing Case Study: Functionality Testing

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Fresh content keeps customers coming back to your website, but ensuring the quality and functionality of volumes of constant changes is a real challenge. Here’s how QualityLogic helped a major entertainment industry client maintain their quality and their schedules.

The Client: Large Entertainment Corporation

The client, a publicly-traded company in the Entertainment industry with very high brand name recognition, wanted to leverage their free online content to generate increased revenue from their retail products.

The client uses an Adobe Flash-based front end designed to simplify access to its various content types, ranging from games and music to full release motion pictures and television programming. Its resort destination reservation sites use a typical web-based interface that advertises various destinations and provides the ability to make reservations and provide payments.

The content front end centralizes the vast content library and presents it based on marketing directives to target the appropriate audience for specific market sectors. This in turn generates interest in retail products for which purchase access is provided.

This approach required a Quality Assurance strategy that not only verified the functionality of the front end itself, but also ensured the constantly changing content was correct for the specific release.

The Issue: Quickly Expanding Content

The client was expanding its portal with more content from its library to generate more exposure to its customers. With only a small test contingent maintained on site, the amount of archived content, coupled with new content, quickly outpaced the client’s test team. The client needed assistance from an outside source to keep pace with the content releases. Since QualityLogic can provide quick response times and culturally relevant feedback not available from offshore resources, QualityLogic was awarded the contract.

The Solution: An Expert QA Team Able to Scale With Demand

QualityLogic assembled a managed team of qualified and experienced test technicians and QA engineers to begin a methodical, step-by-step approach to functional testing every component of the site. This entailed verification of each function of the front end and certifying that expected content was present.

This was performed across multiple browser and operating system configurations using a wide range of PC and Mac hardware to sample the hardware used by the client’s customer base.

QualityLogic generated test plans from the client’s specifications and QualityLogic’s methodologies as needed to verify the site using proven test methodologies.

QualityLogic’s experience, level of service, and test team flexibility allowed the client to scale QA operations quickly to meet release schedules.

The Outcome: Successful Content Expansion and QA Support to Handle It

QualityLogic’s teams adapted quickly to client requirements and supplemented the client’s internal QA operations to handle new content and maintain a readiness state for all additional content expected from the client. The QualityLogic team exceeded the client’s expectations for quality of test execution, responsiveness and turn-around times, allowing for better planning and on-time releases.

This client has been successfully using QualityLogic QA Services for over six years to verify new functionality and content with no interruptions. This ongoing partnership is expected to be a productive one for the foreseeable future.

In today’s economy, regardless of the size of your business, amount of revenue or customer base, one thing remains the same: staying laser-focused on your core competency is critical to success. Using QualityLogic’s core competency, QA services, helps you concentrate on yours. For this client, success required managed QA services of superior quality and value, enabling them to focus on their core business areas.

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